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The pros and cons of content management systems for event registrations

Content Management Systems (CMS) have established themselves as indispensable tools for managing websites. In organizing events, CMSs are often used as cost-effective solutions to announce events and enable registrations. In this article, we explore the pros and cons of using CMS for event registrations.

June 18, 2024
4 min
A Laptop with coffee and pencil

With over 20 years of experience in the event industry, both as an organizer and in the development of digital technologies for events, Marc combines his extensive expertise with a Master's in Digital Business Management and a Bachelor's in Business Administration with a focus on Marketing.

#Event marketing #Event organization #Event technology
A Laptop with coffee and pencil

What is a content management system?

A Content Management System (CMS) is a software application that organizations use to manage their company websites. A CMS typically offers a user-friendly interface, often featuring drag-and-drop functions and WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editors to facilitate the editing and organization of content. CMS platforms frequently support the management of text, images, videos, and other media.

When is a content management system used for events?

  • Announcing and promoting the event through a landing page
  • Registration form for event sign-ups

What are the advantages of a content management system for event registrations?

Cost effective

Since CMS are usually already present in many organizations, there are no additional costs for new software.

Integrated user journey

Using a CMS keeps users on the existing company website, allowing the display of additional company content.

Quick adjustments

Changes and updates can be made quickly and easily without requiring deep technical knowledge.

What are the disadvantages of a content management system for event registrations?

A CMS quickly reaches its own limits when it comes to event registrations. The most common disadvantages are as follows:

No capacity management

Many CMSs do not offer features for managing capacities, making it difficult to organize events with limited seats.

No advanced registration logic

Features such as payment options, dependencies, or specific booking rules are not available, limiting flexibility in event registration.

No access restrictions for closed events

The ability to make events accessible only to certain user groups is often not available.

Limited contact management

Managing contacts in a CMS is usually very basic. A detailed contact history is not available.

No detailed event reporting

A CMS generally does not offer comprehensive reporting functions to track registrations, cancellations, and participation in detail.

Limited design options for agenda and speakers

The display and customization of comprehensive event agendas and appealing speaker presentations are often limited.

No e-ticket generation

Many CMSs cannot generate e-tickets for event entry.

Lack of interaction opportunities

Features like guest lists and chat functions for participants are often not integrated.

No personalized registration experiences

Individual event links and personalized registration processes are usually not feasible.

No integrated communication function

The ability to send event invitations and reminder emails directly through the CMS is often lacking.


A content management system can provide a simple and cost-effective solution for managing event registrations. However, a CMS quickly reaches its limits and is therefore only suitable for very small events with few registrations. For medium and larger events with the need for event automation and improved event marketing, it is often more efficient and cost-effective to use specialized event management software. In addition to numerous automation, communication, and evaluation options, an event management software offers all the specific functions necessary for successful event organization.

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