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First steps

New to Oniva? No problem, here you will find all the important articles to get you started.

Getting started with Oniva

Oniva provides you with a comprehensive event management solution for organisations. The event platform makes it easier for you to securely and efficiently organise various events, helping you optimise your event marketing efforts and gain control over your event data.

Getting started with events

Oniva makes it easy for you to organise a wide range of events securely and efficiently. Here you will find detailed help on how to use all the Oniva features for the entire event process, from event creation to guest check-in.

Setting up a new workspace

A well-configured workspace supports efficient event management and ensures consistent branding. Workspaces enable teams to define standards and set up helpful basic configurations. Proper configuration of registration forms, email templates, and permissions simplifies event management and ensures smooth collaboration.

Required content for setting up an event in Oniva

This article lists all the content you need to create an event in Oniva.  Certain resources might already be saved in the workspace and thus may not be needed (e.g., branding elements).

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We regularly offer training sessions for Oniva customers. You can find our Oniva Academy here.

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Event Websites

Create appealing event websites with just a few clicks to optimally showcase your events. Use unlimited registration options to make signing up for your events as easy as possible.
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Registration &
Guest Management

Invite your guests through contacts and manage bookings per guest afterward. Easily create different authorization groups to control access and interaction with your guests.
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Campaigns and notifications allow you to communicate flexibly and multilingual with your event guests, ensuring efficient and targeted communication with the participants.
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E-Tickets & Check-In

Reduce waiting times at the entrance with Oniva's own Check-In app. Oniva offers customizable e-tickets and the option to integrate an event badge directly on the e-ticket.
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Online Events & Live Streaming

Whether single or multiple sessions, we'll show you how to set them up effortlessly. Additionally, learn how to embed integrated streaming links for seamless live broadcasting.
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With Oniva, you can not only improve your event marketing but also keep track of all relevant event data. Create flexible exports or review the history per guest to ensure a personalized experience.
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Create a central event platform with Oniva to connect your events. We’ll also show you how to manage and analyze your community efficiently to gain valuable insights.
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Workspaces & Admin Functions

We’ll guide you through efficiently managing roles and permissions, and walk you through the platform settings to optimally tailor Oniva to your company’s needs.

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Registrations & guests
Registration form and additional queries

Registration form and additional queries

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#Form #Data #Details #Inquiries

The effective collection of guest data is a crucial aspect for the smooth organisation and execution of events. In this article, we will look at the importance of registration forms and additional queries and how they help to collect important information from attendees.

Registrations & guests
Booking selection and options

Booking selection and options

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#Choice #Offer #Booking Rules #Option #Booking group #Multi-bookable option

Booking options define the programme items for which guests can register. In this article, you will learn how to create and organise booking options and groups, making the booking process flexible and tailored to the needs of your events.



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#Newsetter #Email #SMS #Invitation

In Oniva, you can create campaigns and send them to various target audiences. Here is how you can use campaigns effectively.

Registrations & guests


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In this article, we'll explain how bookings are managed in Oniva, including the various booking and payment statuses, as well as the steps for creating, canceling, and exporting bookings for events.

Registrations & guests


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#Participants #Guests

Contact management plays a crucial role in event organisation. In this article we will explain the main features of contact management in Oniva, from creating individual contacts to organising contact groups.



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#Booking confirmation

Notifications are crucial for the communication and management of your event. Find out everything you need to know about them here.

First steps
Getting started with Oniva

Getting started with Oniva

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#Getting started

Oniva provides you with a comprehensive event management solution for organisations. The event platform makes it easier for you to securely and efficiently organise various events, helping you optimise your event marketing efforts and gain control over your event data.

Event websites
Event settings

Event settings

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This article provides a comprehensive explanation of the various settings for events in Oniva, aiming to give users an overview of the available options and their configuration.

Event websites
Designing the event website

Designing the event website

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Find out how to put all the important information in the right places to showcase your event.

Event status and dashboard

Event status and dashboard

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#Draft #Closed #Archive

With the Oniva event dashboard, you maintain an overview of your event. The event dashboard not only gives you control over the number of registrations but also allows you to continuously improve your events by analysing your event data.

Event websites
Edit event

Edit event

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Configuring an event in Oniva involves steps such as editing event information, defining booking options, designing the agenda, capturing speakers, and setting up authorisation groups.

First steps
Getting started with events

Getting started with events

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#Getting started

Oniva makes it easy for you to organise a wide range of events securely and efficiently. Here you will find detailed help on how to use all the Oniva features for the entire event process, from event creation to guest check-in.

E-tickets & check-in
How to: Download and print all e-tickets or badges

How to: Download and print all e-tickets or badges

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Would you like to print all e-tickets for your event yourself or use them as badges? In this article, we will guide you step by step on how to download all tickets and, if needed, create your own badges or tickets. This can be particularly useful if you require high-quality tickets or personalised badges, for example, for VIP guests.

First steps
Setting up a new workspace

Setting up a new workspace

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#getting #started #Event type

A well-configured workspace supports efficient event management and ensures consistent branding. Workspaces enable teams to define standards and set up helpful basic configurations. Proper configuration of registration forms, email templates, and permissions simplifies event management and ensures smooth collaboration.

Event websites
How To: Set up a custom domain for your workspace

How To: Set up a custom domain for your workspace

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#Link #Custom #URL #Domäne

If you want to customise your workspace's URL and use a domain that better aligns with your branding, Oniva makes it easy to set up a custom domain for your workspace. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to proceed.

Getting started with the Oniva API

Getting started with the Oniva API

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#GraphQL #Integration

The Oniva API allows programmatic access to event data, offering a flexible and powerful solution for integrating events into other systems, retrieving participant data, or automating workflows.

Workspaces & admin functions
Supported browsers, e-mail clients, and devices

Supported browsers, e-mail clients, and devices

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#Compatible #Version #Operating system

For the best experience with Oniva, the latest versions of Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, or Apple Safari are recommended.

How To: Set up your own email sender address for sending event communications

How To: Set up your own email sender address for sending event communications

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#Sender #Email #SPF #Approval

Various options are available for sending emails such as event invitations or automatic booking confirmations, depending on the selected license level. You have the option of activating your own email sender address or integrating your own mail server. Here you can find out how to proceed.

How To: Create a printed invitation with personal QR codes

How To: Create a printed invitation with personal QR codes

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#Print #Merge letter #Mail merge

The easiest, most cost-effective, and efficient way to send event invitations is via email, but sometimes email is not an option or not preferred. In this article, we explain how to create invitations using mail merge.

Event websites
T&Cs for selling event tickets

T&Cs for selling event tickets

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#Ticket #AGB #T&C #GTC

When selling event tickets, it is important to formulate clear and comprehensive general terms and conditions (GTCs). These GTCs protect both the company and the participants and create a transparent basis for the business relationship. Here are the most important points that must be observed in the GTCs when selling event tickets.

First steps
Required content for setting up an event in Oniva

Required content for setting up an event in Oniva

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This article lists all the content you need to create an event in Oniva.  Certain resources might already be saved in the workspace and thus may not be needed (e.g., branding elements).

First steps
Go-live checklist for your event

Go-live checklist for your event

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#Checklist #Testing

Your event is set up in Oniva, the communication is prepared, and you are ready to send out the invitations. To ensure you haven't missed anything, here is a helpful checklist for the go-live of your event.

Event websites
Privacy policy for event registrations

Privacy policy for event registrations

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#Datenschutz #privacy #FADP #GDPR

A privacy policy in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) must cover various points to meet requirements and make users transparent about how their data is processed. Here are the essential points that a privacy policy for your event registration should include.

Workspaces & admin functions
Platform settings

Platform settings

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#Superadmin #Premium

With the Premium license, you have the ability to manage all your workspaces comprehensively. The following platform settings are available to you.

Workspaces & admin functions
Edit accounts

Edit accounts

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#User #Profile

You can access account management through the "Accounts" menu item in Oniva admin. If the menu item does not appear, you are not authorised to manage accounts.

Registrations & guests
Calendar file

Calendar file

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#iCal #Invite

The calendar file is automatically sent with the booking confirmation as soon as guests register for an event on Oniva.

Event websites


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#Header #Photo

In Oniva, you can choose from various layouts for your event image: standard and widescreen. Here’s how to select the right image for your event and what to consider.

Registrations & guests
Ticket coordinators for bookings on request

Ticket coordinators for bookings on request

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#Responsible #Coordinator

In Oniva, each account can have a designated ticket coordinator. These individuals can book events or approve booking requests on behalf of the account holder. However, the approval by the ticket coordinator only changes the booking status to "pending."

Registrations & guests
How to: Invite guests to book additional options after the original registration

How to: Invite guests to book additional options after the original registration

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#Registration in tranches #Add options #Multiple bookings

In some cases, you may need to get general attendance for the event before you get the details for the social program. In this case, the event can be configured to allow guests to create a second booking later.

E-tickets & check-in
Event badge on e-ticket

Event badge on e-ticket

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#Lanyard #Ettikette #print@home

With the badge function on the e-ticket, guests are issued with a personalised event badge. The print@home badges are conveniently sent to participants on the e-ticket once the booking has been completed. The badges are available in A6 and A7 formats.

Event websites
Why is my event not bookable?

Why is my event not bookable?

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#Access #404 #403 #Error message

There are various reasons why an event may not be bookable or why a page does not load as expected. This article explains common messages and their meanings for both admins and guests accessing the event website.

Why isn't my email being delivered?

Why isn't my email being delivered?

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#Bounce #Spam

Generally, emails can have problems either when sent by Oniva or when received by the contact's mail client. If a campaign has been sent, the contact can be opened to check if the email has left the outbox.

How to: Improve the reach and effectiveness of your campaign

How to: Improve the reach and effectiveness of your campaign

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#Reach #Opening rate

The success of your email campaigns significantly depends on their content and the timing of their delivery. Based on comparative data from, we have identified the ideal days for sending email campaigns.

Registrations & guests
How to: Adding information (seat number, access zones etc.) to a booking retroactively

How to: Adding information (seat number, access zones etc.) to a booking retroactively

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#Seat #Zone

Specific additional information for event registrations can also be integrated into your bookings afterward via import. Examples include the guest's seat number, authorisation for certain VIP zones, or group assignments.

E-tickets & check-in
How to: Send e-tickets

How to: Send e-tickets

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#Reminder #Last info

On Oniva, guests can check in to the event using the Check-In App. Personalised e-tickets with QR codes can be sent to participants before the event. The e-ticket can be activated in the e-ticket settings under the event settings. Once the e-ticket is activated, the link to the personalised e-ticket will be sent to the guests along with the booking confirmation.

How to: Trigger a subsequent sending to a single contact

How to: Trigger a subsequent sending to a single contact

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#Again #Resend

In some cases, it is necessary to (re)send a campaign to other contacts after it has been sent. A follow-up mailing can be used for this purpose.

How to: Send an event invitation

How to: Send an event invitation

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The event invitation is typically the most important communication you send for your event. Here is a step-by-step guide to ensure your invitation is a complete success.

Event websites
How to: Integrate the registration via iFrame into your own website

How to: Integrate the registration via iFrame into your own website

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#iFrame #Integration

Integrate the event registration seamlessly into your own website with Oniva's iFrame. An iFrame is an HTML element that allows you to embed only the booking process from Oniva into your own website, so your guests do not have to leave your company page during event registration.

Registrations & guests
Authorisation groups

Authorisation groups

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#Target group #Permission #Participants

Authorisation groups define which persons can participate in an event under which conditions and how access to the event website is permitted.

Event websites
Speakers and agenda

Speakers and agenda

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The organization of an event requires careful planning and coordination to inform and engage guests effectively. In this article, we will discuss two design elements that contribute to the success of an event: the speakers and the agenda.

Registrations & guests


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#Limit #Maximum #Quota

The use of capacities in Oniva allows you to precisely limit the number of participants for your event. By setting capacities on booking options and authorisation groups, you can ensure that only the number of participants defined by you can register for the event or per booking option.

Registrations & guests
Event deregistrations

Event deregistrations

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#Absage #Ablehnen

With event deregistrations, invited guests can decline the invitation to an event and thus avoid receiving unwanted emails and SMS messages from campaigns.

Registrations & guests
Group bookings

Group bookings

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Group bookings allow participants to form teams, with each team requiring a group leader. This individual is authorised to invite other members to the group and manage them.

Registrations & guests
Waiting lists

Waiting lists

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#Overbooked #Overbooking

Waiting lists give your guests the opportunity to register for fully booked events. Once a spot becomes available, people on the waiting list will receive an invitation to book that spot. Here's how you can set up and manage waiting lists.

Events by the community

Events by the community

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#Internal events #Create

Learn how to create and activate events in the internal event community hub to ensure seamless organisation and communication for events.

Event libraries

Event libraries

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#Library #Portal

In Oniva, events can be presented in organised libraries, allowing your audience to browse through a variety of events within a specific category.

Event websites
Personal event link for guests

Personal event link for guests

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#Invitation #Authentication #Closed Events

The Personal Event Link is a specific link assigned to each contact when they are created in the system. This link is used to authenticate and recognise the contact, especially in closed events where access is only possible through the personal event link.

Campaign groups

Campaign groups

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#Newsetter #Email #SMS

Campaign groups allow you to create and manage a target audience independently of event communications.

Workspaces & admin functions
Account roles and permissions

Account roles and permissions

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#Admin #Access #Permissions

Oniva provides the ability to assign different permission levels to various accounts. The following overview shows the different account roles and the associated permissions.

Workspaces & admin functions


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#Event types #Settings

A workspace is a virtual workspace on Oniva where teams can collaborate. Here, you can assign permissions for your events, view data related to your events, and define standards. It's a place where everything for your team is in one location.

Event websites
Multilingual events

Multilingual events

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#Language #German #English #Bilingual

To design multilingual events effectively, Oniva offers fully integrated multilingual support for German, French, Italian, and English. Here's how you can utilize it.

Registrations & guests
Events with payment

Events with payment

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#Price #Cost #Refund

Through Oniva, payments for paid events can be processed. Here's how it works.

Admin dashboard and favorites

Admin dashboard and favorites

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On the main page of the admin panel, you'll find the admin dashboard under "Home." The admin dashboard provides admin users with an overview of their upcoming events and campaigns.

Online events & live streaming
Virtual events

Virtual events

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#Online #Hybrid

Virtual events are gatherings that take place online, allowing participants to join the event from anywhere in the world. Oniva provides the option to configure the entire event or individual booking options as online or virtual events, enabling flexible event registrations.

Registrations & guests
Bookings on request

Bookings on request

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#Reservation #VIP

In Oniva, a booking request process can be activated for bookings. In this case, all bookings created by guests are initially assigned the status "requested". These bookings must then be reviewed and confirmed by an admin before they are considered confirmed and a booking confirmation is sent. This process serves to control bookings and ensures that only participants selected by the event organisers are accepted for the event.

E-tickets & check-in
E-ticket and check-in

E-ticket and check-in

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#Access #Scan #QR code #App

With Oniva's Check-In feature, you can easily track the attendance of your guests. By using the Check-In function, you gain an overview of the number of attendees and "no shows" on the Event Dashboard, and through the contact status "attended," you can selectively address checked-in guests via campaigns. Here are three different ways to record the check-in of your guests.

Registrations & guests
Accompanying persons

Accompanying persons

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#Companion #Accompaniment

This article provides a guide for configuring accompanying persons at events in Oniva, both for those who count towards the guest quota and those who should not be included.

Helpful information for event managers

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Support hours
Monday to Friday, 08:00 to 17:00(excluding public holidays in the city of Zurich)

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Refunds are subject to a fee of CHF 2.50 per transaction in addition to the processing fee. Whether this fee will be borne by the guest or the organizer can be determined by you. The refund will then be processed for the full or partial amount. Ideally, you should specify this in your guest terms and conditions.
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