The use of capacities in Oniva allows you to precisely limit the number of participants for your event. By setting capacities on booking options and authorisation groups, you can ensure that only the number of participants defined by you can register for the event or per booking option.
Limits on booking options are used to restrict the total number of guests for a specific booking option. For example, let's say you are organising a VIP aperitif and want to ensure that only a limited number of people can attend. In this case, you can set a quota of 80 people, for example. Once this limit is reached, no further bookings will be accepted for this option. This allows you to precisely control the number of participants and ensure that your event is not overcrowded.
For booking options configured as standard registrations, capacity limits can be defined using the minimum and maximum available spots. These limits include any accompanying persons that guests may register, provided this option is enabled for their authorisation group.
The defined capacity is displayed on the event dashboard, allowing you to monitor the current utilisation status of your event at any time. Once the capacity limit is reached, the corresponding booking option is no longer available for guests to book. Admins, however, have the ability to exceed the capacity limit if necessary.
For booking options configured as add-ons, both an overall capacity (in the form of the maximum available quantity) and the minimum and maximum number per booking can be defined. Setting a minimum and maximum number per booking allows guests to select an option multiple times within a single booking, in quantities greater than one.
Add-ons can be used to represent offerings and materials that are not tied to specific individuals, such as parking spaces, hotel rooms, goodie bags, or giveaways. For example, a guest could order multiple entry tickets or register with accompanying persons while reserving only one parking space.
Limits on authorisation groups allow you to restrict the number of guests in a particular group. Let's say you want to ensure that only a limited number of employees can attend your entire event. In this case, you can set a limit of 50 employees, for example. As soon as this limit is reached, no further employees from this group can take part in the event. This gives you the opportunity to control the number of participants per group and ensure that all those entitled have the opportunity to take part in the event.
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