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Last updated:
July 29, 2024

Getting started with Oniva

Oniva provides you with a comprehensive event management solution for organizations. The event platform makes it easier for you to securely and efficiently organize various events, helping you optimize your event marketing efforts and gain control over your event data.

A screenshot of an event website, an event agenda, an email invitation and the check-in app in the same branding.

Web-based work from anywhere

Oniva is a web-based application accessible through all major browsers. This means you can access the solution from anywhere.

Navigating Oniva

Oniva offers four main functions for which you can be individually authorized. Depending on your permission level, you may have access to all or only some of these functions.

  • Home: Here, you'll find the admin dashboard giving you an overview of upcoming events and campaigns.
  • Events: Under Events, you can create events branded with your corporate identity, integrating custom fonts, branding colors, and logos. Configure different event formats with a clear agenda, speakers, and other event details. Additionally, Oniva provides integrated email and SMS campaigns with flexible customization options to communicate with your audience.
  • Campaigns: In Oniva, you can create campaigns independently of event organization and send newsletters to different target groups. Here's how you can do it (Note: event-independent campaigns are available only in the premium license).
  • Workspaces: A workspace is a virtual workspace on Oniva where teams can collaborate on events. Here, permissions for events can be assigned, and reporting across all events can be viewed, along with basic configurations.
  • Admin functions: With admin functions, you can adjust permissions, accounts, and platform settings. Note that the highest admin permission level is required for this, and this function is available only in the premium license (see roles and permissions, platform settings)
Tip: Event campaigns
Do you want to create a campaign within the context of an event (invitation, reminder, etc.)? You can do that directly in the events menu, while overarching campaigns are for event-independent campaigns such as newsletters.

Create all your events with Oniva

With Oniva, you can easily and professionally manage all the events of your organization. Whether it's large events or small meetings, internal or external events, Oniva provides you with all the necessary functions.

Oniva is divided into workspaces, allowing you to configure standard settings and permissions. This enables each team in your organization to work efficiently and with clear focus. Each event is assigned to a workspace, where the workspace configurations are inherited by all events but can also be individually adjusted. This reduces repetitive tasks and ensures consistent branding for your organization. However, all settings can be overridden for each event individually.

Visual representation of the configurations on the workspace

For each event, Oniva automatically creates an event website. This website includes all the important information such as location, time, image, and description. Your guests can register for the event through this website. With authorization groups, you control access to the website and define what your guests can book. You can also restrict booking options to specific authorization groups to offer exclusive options.

When creating a new event, a booking option and a authorization group are pre-configured, so you can start right away. This makes event creation particularly easy.

In the event settings, you can activate or deactivate various functions, such as e-tickets, notifications, website branding, and the comment function.

After setting up the event, you can upload your contact list. There, you will always see the current list of invited, confirmed, and declined guests. Through campaigns, you can create communications such as invitations.

Once the contacts are uploaded and the invitation campaign is set up, you only need to activate the event and send out the invitations. Your guests can then register for the configured booking options. You can track registration numbers in the event dashboard.

Thanks to the integrated campaign function, you can send reminders and follow-ups at any time based on the status of your contacts. This saves you the hassle of importing and exporting data to other tools. Even the e-ticket is provided directly by Oniva.

If you have enabled e-tickets for your event, you can scan them at the event through Oniva's check-in app to accurately capture entry numbers. This helps you improve your event marketing and make data-driven decisions.

Users with a premium license can also use the campaign function independently of events to implement their various internal and external newsletters. To do this, use the campaign function in the top navigation bar.

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Refunds are subject to a fee of CHF 2.50 per transaction in addition to the processing fee. Whether this fee will be borne by the guest or the organizer can be determined by you. The refund will then be processed for the full or partial amount. Ideally, you should specify this in your guest terms and conditions.
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