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Last updated:
January 13, 2025

Waiting lists

Waiting lists give your guests the opportunity to register for fully booked events. Once a spot becomes available, people on the waiting list will receive an invitation to book that spot. Here's how you can set up and manage waiting lists.

Screenshot of a waitlist option.

Waiting list

Here's how to set up a waiting list:

  • Edit event: Go to the event and open the Authorisation groups section.
  • Registration and access settings: Enable the waiting list – choose between automatic or manual management.
  • Set capacity: Ensure that the booking options have a capacity and a maximum number for the waiting list is defined.
Screenshot of authorisation groups in an event
Screenshot of configuring the waiting list in an event

Automatic waiting lists

With an automatic waiting list, the process runs without manual intervention:

  1. A guest signs up for the waiting list and receives a confirmation email.
  2. Once a spot becomes available, the first person on the list will receive an email invitation.
  3. The guest has a time window (default: 72 hours) to confirm or decline the booking.
  4. If the guest does not respond, the booking is cancelled, and the next person on the list is invited.

Special note for accompanying persons

If a booking on the waiting list includes accompanying persons, an invitation is only sent if enough spots are available. For example: If the top booking on the waiting list has 1 accompanying person, 2 spots must be freed up before the invitation is sent. This may cause the number of confirmed bookings to temporarily fall below the capacity.

Manual waiting lists

With the manual waiting list, the event admin retains control:

  1. A guest signs up and receives a confirmation email for the waiting list spot.
  2. Once a spot becomes available, the admin reviews the waiting list and can:
    • Send an invitation
    • Confirm the spot directly
    • Cancel the registration on the waiting list

Notifications and customisation options

By default, all notifications for waiting lists are configured – including invitations and confirmations. These can be customised or disabled if desired. The following notifications are relevant for waiting lists:

  • Booking created on waiting list: A potential guest has made a booking on a waiting list.
  • Booking partially created (waiting list / confirmed): A guest has made a booking. At least one part of the booking is confirmed, and at least one part of the booking is on the waiting list.
  • Waiting list invitation created: A spot has become available. A person from the waiting list is invited.
  • Waiting list invitation confirmed: A person who previously received an invitation to confirm a booking option for which they were on the waiting list has accepted the invitation.

Contact and booking status

The status of contacts and bookings is displayed differently depending on the waiting list phase:

  • Booking with waiting list: The booking is confirmed, even if an option is on the waiting list.
  • Waiting list only: The contact is "waiting" until no option is confirmed.
  • Invitation when spot is free: The contact receives an invitation, and the status of the option changes to "invited".
  • Invitation confirmed or declined: After confirmation, the option is "confirmed"; if declined or if the deadline expires, it is "cancelled".

Frequently asked questions

  • The waiting list isn't working. What can I do?
    Is the waiting list activated in the authorisation groups?
    Has the waiting list been set to manual so the admin must send invitations?
    Is the capacity of the booking options defined?
    Has the registration deadline passed?
    Are the dates for the booking options in the future?
  • Why did a guest on the waiting list receive a cancellation confirmation?
    If a guest does not respond to an invitation in time (default: 72 hours), the booking is automatically cancelled. The next guest will be invited.
  • What happens if I increase the capacity?
    If the capacity of a fully booked option is increased, people on the waiting list will automatically receive invitations (with an automatic waiting list). As many people as there are free spots will be invited.
  • Are waiting list invitations still sent after the registration deadline?
    No, after the registration deadline, no automatic invitations are sent. Admins can still manually confirm guests from the waiting list.
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Refunds are subject to a fee of CHF 2.50 per transaction in addition to the processing fee. Whether this fee will be borne by the guest or the organizer can be determined by you. The refund will then be processed for the full or partial amount. Ideally, you should specify this in your guest terms and conditions.
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