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Last updated:
July 31, 2024

Event settings

This article provides a comprehensive explanation of the various settings for events in Oniva, aiming to give users an overview of the available options and their configuration.

Screenshot of Oniva settings.

Event settings

  • Event link: Link through which the event website can be accessed. The link can only be edited if the event is in "Draft" status. The status of the event can be adjusted in the event dashboard.
  • Event responsible: The person responsible for an event. The event responsible is not visible to guests. Event responsibles without admin permission can view event contacts, bookings, and campaigns in their events in the role of "Event Operator."
Tip: Event manager vs. contact person
The event responsible in Oniva controls the permissions for the event and can receive notifications if configured. The contact person, on the other hand, is displayed on the event website for guests to contact with questions.

Advanced settings

  • Display of guests: Participants of the event are displayed on the event website. Only those participants who have agreed to be displayed during registration are shown. If you want to activate this function, you can also allow participants to upload their own profile photo. Go to your event and edit it. Open the authorization groups → "Registration form" to add a new form field with identifier "image."
  • Comments: Activates the comment function on the event website for logged-in guests or authenticated users.
  • Display: Here you determine the visual branding for your event. The primary color determines the color of buttons and calls to action on the event website and in campaigns. The secondary color determines the color of secondary elements like banners and headings. The background color determines the color of the background of certain sections on the website and in campaigns. The header image can be set when editing the event under “Event information”.
  • Email template: The email template formats all event notifications sent by email, such as the booking confirmation. The sender address of the emails can be adjusted with the email settings.
  • Check-In: See article on e-ticket and check-in. For using the Check-In app, it is advisable to activate E-Tickets additionally. Without the activation of E-Tickets, the Check-In app can be used as a digital guest list for attendance control.
  • E-ticket: See article on e-ticket and check-in. E-Tickets can be scanned with the Oniva Access app. Additionally, an event badge can be displayed on the E-Ticket. More information can be found in the separate article.
  • Email: In Oniva, a default email sender address for sending emails is preset per workspace. Email reply addresses can be chosen arbitrarily. If you want to set a different email sender address for a specific event, contact Oniva support for activation.
  • Languages: Select the desired languages to activate additional languages or change the language. Note, however, that activating different languages only triggers the translation of standard texts. Standalone texts like titles, names, and flow texts must be translated and entered independently.Below each text element that needs to be translated, you will find the language options beneath the text field. Simply click on the respective language abbreviation to enter the text for each language individually. See article on multilingual events.
  • Payment: See article on events with payment. After activating the payment settings, prices can be entered under the booking options (Edit Event). The following information must be provided for payment:
    • Payment identifier: Internal cost center. This can be entered freely and serves to assign transactions.
    • Processing fee in%: Defines the processing fee that is charged for online payments. Typically, a processing fee is charged by the payment provider. If a 0% processing fee is entered for online payment processing in Oniva, any processing fees will be deducted from the revenue. A processing fee of 5% is charged for transactions via Oniva.
    • Payment method: Cash, Invoice, or Online Payment. With online payment, the payment is made directly through Oniva via the connected payment provider. With the payment method Cash and Invoice, a price is displayed in the booking process, and the actual billing is done independently by event responsibles outside of Oniva.
    • VAT: Standard rate or individual value-added tax rates.
    • Currency: CHF, EUR or USD.
    • Organization: The organization that appears on the payment receipt for online payments (including VAT number). The organization can be entered and edited on the workspace.
    • Price includes VAT: Defines whether the prices include VAT or whether VAT is additionally levied on them.
Note: individual VAT rates
Individual value-added tax rates must be entered by the platform admin.
Note: Additional currencies
Additional currencies must be entered by the platform admin.
Note: Refunds
For any refunds, please contact us via form below. For refunds, a fee of CHF 2.50 per transaction is charged in addition to the processing fee. Whether this fee is borne by the guest or the organizer is determined by the event organizer. Refunds can be made in full or in part. We strongly recommend setting out the conditions for ticket purchases in your event registration's terms and conditions before ticket sales.
  • Promotion: Highlights the event as a "recommended event" in the event library.
  • Bookings on request: For events, a request process for bookings can be activated. All event bookings created by guests initially have the status "Requested" and must be confirmed by an admin before they are valid.

Configure event admin access

The event admins for this event are set via account groups. You can create and edit admin account groups on the workspace. If no admin access is configured, only workspace admins can access this event in the admin.

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Refunds are subject to a fee of CHF 2.50 per transaction in addition to the processing fee. Whether this fee will be borne by the guest or the organizer can be determined by you. The refund will then be processed for the full or partial amount. Ideally, you should specify this in your guest terms and conditions.