The success of your email campaigns significantly depends on their content and the timing of their delivery. Based on comparative data from, we have identified the ideal days for sending email campaigns.
With an average open rate of 17.6%, Tuesday is the ideal day for sending email campaigns. The open rate indicates how many recipients opened the campaign, measured as a percentage. It is calculated as follows: (Number of opened emails ÷ Number of delivered emails) * 100. Optimizing subject lines can further improve open rates.
With an average click rate of 2.6%, Tuesday and Thursday are the best days for a high click rate. The click rate measures the percentage of recipients who clicked on links or images in the campaign. It is calculated as follows: (Total clicks or unique clicks ÷ Number of delivered emails) * 100. The click-to-open rate, which is based on opened emails, is often more informative than the click rate.
With an average click-to-open rate of 15.2%, Thursday is the best day for a high click-to-open rate. This rate indicates how many subscribers clicked on a link or image after opening the campaign. It is calculated as follows: (Total clicks or unique clicks ÷ Number of opened emails) * 100. The click-to-open rate is an important indicator of a campaign's success.
With an average bounce rate of 0.5%, Wednesday is the best day for a low bounce rate. The bounce rate indicates how many emails were not successfully delivered. It is calculated as follows: (Total undeliverable emails ÷ Number of sent emails) * 100. Undeliverable emails can be categorized into "soft bounces" and "hard bounces," with the latter needing to be removed.
With an average unsubscribe rate of 0.1%, the unsubscribe rate is the lowest on all days. This rate indicates how many subscribers have removed themselves from the mailing list. It is calculated as follows: (Total unsubscribed contacts ÷ Number of delivered emails) * 100. The unsubscribe rate is mainly used in long-term email marketing observations.
Use these insights to maximize the success of your email campaigns and ensure effective communication for your events.
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