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Last updated:
July 31, 2024

Event status and dashboard

With the Oniva event dashboard, you maintain an overview of your event. The event dashboard not only gives you control over the number of registrations but also allows you to continuously improve your events by analyzing your event data.

Screenshot of the dashboard.


  • Open contacts shows the number of event contacts who have neither registered for nor declined the event. This includes contacts who have opened the event and entered their details but did not complete the booking (abandoned bookings) as well as contacts imported and invited by the admin who have not yet accepted the invitation (pending invitations).
  • Registrations displays the total number of contacts with at least one confirmed booking for the event. If a maximum number of seats for the event is defined, registrations are shown in relation to these seats. A registration always counts as 1 contact/email address. For events with multiple booking options, the number of all booking options is shown in the detailed view.
  • Deregistrations displays the total number of contacts who have declined the event. This does not refer to canceled bookings but to declined invitations. The number of deregistrations is always shown in relation to the total number of contact responses (both registrations and deregistrations). To enable the display of deregistrations, edit event and open authorization groups registration and access settings and activate deregistrations.
  • Check-ins shows the total number of guests who have checked in. This includes guests with confirmed bookings who checked in via one of the check-in solutions (like the check-in app or logging into the online event) or by manually setting the check-in under event contacts.
  • Revenue displays the total amount of revenue for the event. The displayed amount includes all income, including processing fees and VAT.
  • Check-In displays the QR code for configuring the check-in app for this event. To activate the display of the QR code, the check-in must be activated under event settings.

Event status

  • Draft: The event website can already be opened in preview but is not yet visible in any event libraries and cannot be booked. Only users who know the specific link have access.
  • Active: The event website is activated and can be booked via the event link. For events in libraries, the event is displayed in the library.
  • Closed: The event website can still be opened but is no longer bookable. Events are automatically closed 7 days after the event date.
  • Archived:The event website is deactivated and no longer accessible to visitors. In the admin area, event contacts and event bookings are no longer displayed but can be restored if necessary. Events are automatically archived 730 days (~2 years) after the event date.

Frequently asked questions

  • How can I deactivate the event website?
    To deactivate the event website, you need to archive the event in the event settings.
  • I canceled a guest's booking. Why is this booking not displayed as a cancellation?
    We differentiate between cancellations, deletions, and declines. Cancellations are already confirmed bookings that are reversed. Deletions remove the entire data record, making it no longer visible later. Declines are contacts who have declined an invitation, meaning they never agreed to attend.
  • Why do the number of bookings differ from the number of registrations?
    Registrations show the number of registered contacts, while bookings show the number of bookings. In some cases, there can be multiple bookings per contact.
  • Why does the number of campaign recipients not match the number shown on the dashboard?
    If the number of contacts does not match the number of campaign recipients, this can be due to the following reasons:
    - Some contacts did not provide an email address;
    - Some contacts have unsubscribed from campaigns; or
    - If the number of bookings does not match the number of campaign recipients, it may also be because multiple bookings were made under one contact.
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Refunds are subject to a fee of CHF 2.50 per transaction in addition to the processing fee. Whether this fee will be borne by the guest or the organizer can be determined by you. The refund will then be processed for the full or partial amount. Ideally, you should specify this in your guest terms and conditions.