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Online Events & Live Streaming

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Last updated:
February 13, 2025

Booking selection and options

Booking options define the programme items for which guests can register. In this article, you will learn how to create and organise booking options and groups, making the booking process flexible and tailored to the needs of your events.

Screenshot of various booking options.

What are booking options?

Booking options define the programme items for which guests can register. Simple events only require a single booking option, representing the entire event. In such cases, the "selection" page is skipped in the booking process, as all guests directly register for this option.

If an event offers multiple options, such as workshops, breakout sessions, or VIP events, these can be flexibly configured with booking options. By ticking the "Multiple options available" box, you can define whether guests can select only one option (radio buttons) or book multiple options at the same time (checkboxes).

Display of a selection with radio buttons and checkboxes.

Examples of booking options:

  • Workshop A or B
  • VIP reception
  • Companion programme
Screenshot of configuring the booking options in an event with two options

For each booking option, you can define whether it is a "registration" or an "add-on". Add-ons, such as T-shirts or parking spaces, can be booked multiple times per booking and independently of the number of registered guests, depending on the configuration. You can individually define the maximum and minimum number per booking. Additionally, you can set a total quota for add-ons through the maximum available number. Please note that no companions can be registered for add-ons.

Screenshot of capacity limits within a booking option in Oniva

Restrict booking options to an authorisation group

If at least two authorisation groups have been created, individual booking options can be restricted to one or more authorisation groups. These options will then only be visible and available to guests from those groups. To do this, the option can be restricted to one of the two authorisation groups under "Advanced options".

Screenshot of restricting a booking option to an authorisation group

Booking groups

Booking groups help organise booking options and define dependencies between them. They are particularly useful when:

  • An event takes place in different versions.
  • Options take place at the same location or at the same time.
  • Guests can only choose one option from a group, or other dependencies between the options exist. These dependencies can be managed with additional rules (see below).

For each booking group, you can define whether the "Multiple options available" checkbox is selected, allowing guests to either select only one option from the group (radio buttons) or book multiple options at once (checkboxes).

Screenshot of configuring the booking options in an event with booking groups

Import booking options

Booking options can be conveniently imported via an Excel file:

  • Download the Excel template in editing mode.
  • Enter the following data:
    • Title of the option
    • Number of available seats (min. and max.)
    • Date and time
  • Select the appropriate booking groups during the import.


  • Each option requires a unique identifier. This is invisible to guests and is used to update the option.
  • Complex booking structures can also be created via the Excel import.

Additional booking rules

Booking rules allow you to define special conditions or dependencies, such as:

  • Restrictions: Defines the maximum available places across all underlying options. For example, the quota for an authorisation group or an entire booking group can be overwritten.
  • Dependencies: Defines which options must be booked together.
  • Exclusions: Defines which options cannot be booked together.
  • Bookable minimum and maximum number: Defines the minimum or maximum number of different options that can be booked per guest.
  • Number of booking options per guest: Defines the minimum or maximum number of different options that can be booked per guest. The quantity of options (particularly relevant for add-ons) is not taken into account.

Rules at the booking option level

For individual booking options, additional adjustments are available:

  • Capacity: Overrides the maximum number of seats for one or more specific authorisation groups.
  • Price: Adjusts the price for a booking option according to the authorisation group.

Note: Using capacity limits via rules is useful when they are restricted to specific authorisation groups. General limits should be defined directly in the options. More information can be found in the article on capacity.

Additional queries

Additional queries are optional form fields that appear when booking certain options and only request specific information for individual bookings. For example, dietary preferences for lunch or workshop preferences can be collected. Learn more in the article on the registration form and additional queries.

Frequently asked questions

  • Why can I set certain settings, such as additional queries, the event link for virtual events, or booking rules, at different levels (event, booking group, booking option)?
    Some settings can be applied at different levels to save you from entering them multiple times. For example, if you create an additional query within a booking group, this query will appear when booking any option within that group.
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Refunds are subject to a fee of CHF 2.50 per transaction in addition to the processing fee. Whether this fee will be borne by the guest or the organizer can be determined by you. The refund will then be processed for the full or partial amount. Ideally, you should specify this in your guest terms and conditions.
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