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Online Events & Live Streaming

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Last updated:
November 29, 2024

Go-live checklist for your event

Your event is set up in Oniva, the communication is prepared, and you are ready to send out the invitations. To ensure you haven't missed anything, here is a helpful checklist for the go-live of your event.

Screenshot of an event with an event invitation on Oniva

Event website

  • Are all the information on the event website complete and correct?
  • Is the website displayed correctly in all languages?
  • Are all booking options activated and bookable? Can the booking options be booked in the desired combinations?
  • Are the displayed prices correct? Is the VAT and/or handling fee correct?
  • Does the location link (Google Maps) on the website work correctly?
  • Do all links work?
  • Are all mandatory fields correctly marked as such?
  • Is the privacy policy for event registration provided (see privacy policy for event registrations)?
Tip: Privacy policy
Since events collect personal data, guests must be informed about how this data is used. A privacy policy is the best way to do this and should be confirmed by guests during booking. Exceptions are, for example, internal events where your organisation already has this personal data and there are separate regulations.


  • Is the button with the personal event link correctly provided and activated in all languages in the event invitation (see personal event link for guests)?
  • Do all buttons work and are they correctly linked?
  • Does the personal salutation work correctly? You can test the salutation with a test email. Select a contact for this.
  • Is the invitation displayed correctly in all languages?
  • Is the number of contacts per language correct when you open the action menu (···) "open sending"?

Note: The test email is sent in all active languages of the event, regardless of the selected contact. The actual email is then sent to each contact only in the configured language.

Booking confirmation

  • Does the booking confirmation contain all the information you need? Test the booking confirmation by booking the event. For paid events or events in libraries, you can book the event via the admin area, even if the event is still in draft status.
  • Are all necessary attachments activated (such as the e-ticket, delivery notes, directions)?

Note: Attachments are not sent in test emails. To test the attachments, you can book your events. This booking can be deleted before going live.

Check in Oniva admin

  • Is the event activated?
  • Are the capacities correctly set (see capacities)?
  • Do you find all the necessary data for your event execution in the list of bookings?
  • Are all eligible guests assigned to the corresponding authorisation groups?
  • For events with payment, has an organisation been defined in the payment settings in the event settings and has a corresponding VAT number been assigned to this organisation in the workspace? This number is shown on the payment receipt and may be relevant for the tax treatment of the event for guests.

With this checklist, you are well prepared to successfully start your event. Good luck!

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Refunds are subject to a fee of CHF 2.50 per transaction in addition to the processing fee. Whether this fee will be borne by the guest or the organizer can be determined by you. The refund will then be processed for the full or partial amount. Ideally, you should specify this in your guest terms and conditions.
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