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Last updated:
July 31, 2024

Edit accounts

You can access account management through the "Accounts" menu item in Oniva admin. If the menu item does not appear, you are not authorized to manage accounts.

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Manually creating accounts

If you want to add new users, you can do this by clicking the "Create account" button (accounts are only available with the Premium license).


  • First Name: User's first name
  • Last Name: User's last name
  • Gender: User's gender, which controls the automatic selection of the appropriate salutation in notifications
  • Email: User's email address
  • Account type: Select the account type to which the user will be assigned. Account types can define login or access methods.
  • Username: User's username, usually the email address
  • Password: Initial password, which can be reset by the user at login with "Forgot password"
  • Admin rights: If you want to assign admin rights to an account, you can select this when editing the account. More about permissions can be found in the support article on account roles & permissions.
  • Account groups: Account groups can be used to create individual target groups for events. For example, the same target group can be used for recurring events.
Use of account groups
Account groups can be used to import event contacts into the contact list. In addition, the account group can be defined at event level under Authorization groups under Allow access to event website only for selected account groups. With this setting, only users of the corresponding group have access to the event.

Additional account information

  • Mobile: User's mobile number for communication via SMS
  • Language: Predefined system language for the user
  • Department: Optionally, add the associated department

Import accounts

To create a large number of accounts in Oniva, you can import accounts using an Excel spreadsheet. Click on "Import Excel" to start the import process.

To ensure a smooth import process, you can download the sample table in step 1.

Step 1 - Select options:

  • Account type: Select the account type to which the accounts should belong
  • File: Select the Excel file to be imported
  • Confirmation of Consent to Process Personal Data: Ensure the consent of the affected individuals regarding the intended data use

Step 2 - Assign table columns:
To map the data to be imported to the respective data field, you need to assign the data from the Excel file to the existing data fields in Oniva in step 2.

Step 3 - Import preview:
Review the correct mapping of the selected data fields and complete the process by clicking the "Import" button.

Block or delete accounts

To block an account, navigate to the account list and select the corresponding account. Then, in the action menu (···), click "Block" or "Delete." The status of the account is displayed in the list entry:

  • Active: The account has access to Oniva.
  • Inactive: The account does not have access to Oniva.

Manual unblocking
To activate a blocked account, select "Unblock" in the action menu.

Automatic blocking:

If Oniva has an interface to an account database (e.g., Active Directory), inactive accounts will be automatically blocked with regular data imports.

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Refunds are subject to a fee of CHF 2.50 per transaction in addition to the processing fee. Whether this fee will be borne by the guest or the organizer can be determined by you. The refund will then be processed for the full or partial amount. Ideally, you should specify this in your guest terms and conditions.