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Online Events & Live Streaming

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Last updated:
November 22, 2024

Account roles and permissions

Oniva provides the ability to assign different permission levels to various accounts. The following overview shows the different account roles and the associated permissions.

Illustration of different users with different roles.

Admin roles


Event admins can perform all tasks related to the events assigned to them within the respective workspace, including creating, editing, and managing events. However, they do not have access to the workspace settings. Workspace Admins must register Event Admins in the permission settings. An Event Admin gains access to an event when it is linked with the appropriate permission in the settings. New events created by an Event Admin automatically receive this permission.

Event operators have similar permissions to Event Admins but cannot edit or create events. They can view and edit contact and booking lists, as well as manage and send campaigns. The Event Responsible of an event automatically receives the Event Operator permission, regardless of other permissions.

Workspace admins can view all events within their workspace and manage the workspace settings. They maintain an overview of all events and can adjust the workspace configuration to ensure smooth operation and meeting requirements.

Ticket coordinators

Each account can have a designated ticket coordinator. These individuals can book events or approve booking requests on behalf of the account holder. However, the approval by the ticket coordinator only changes the booking status to "pending." The final approval must be done by an event admin, workspace admin, or platform admin.


Campaign admins are authorised to perform all actions within the assigned campaign groups. This includes fully editing the campaign groups and authorising additional accounts. They can create, edit, and send campaigns, enabling them to effectively implement the campaign strategy and ensure all relevant information is communicated correctly and on time.


Platform Admins hold the highest level of permissions within Oniva. In addition to the permissions of an Event Admin, they can create and edit workspaces and configure general platform settings. This role allows them to manage the entire platform and ensure that all activities run smoothly and meet requirements.

Account management

Account management can be granted as a separate permission. Users with this permission can assign any admin role, even if they do not hold these roles themselves.


Event operators

  • Can view events of their own admin group.
  • Can create, edit, export, and delete event contacts.
  • Can create, edit, send, and delete event campaigns.
  • Can create, edit, export, and delete event bookings.

Event admins

In addition to event operators' rights:

  • Can create, duplicate, edit, and delete events of their own admin group.
  • Can edit event settings.
  • Can create, edit, and delete event notifications.

Workspace admins

In addition to event admins' rights:

  • Can view, create, duplicate, edit, and delete all events in the workspace (regardless of admin group).
  • Can view the number of events, registrations, campaigns, admins, etc., via the workspace dashboard.
  • Can edit workspace settings, organisations, categories, and locations (standard settings that are inherited by all workspace events and can be overwritten there).
  • Can create, edit, and delete standard notifications for all workspace events.
  • Can assign and remove permissions for event admins and event operators of the workspace.
  • Can create, edit, and delete form templates and define the standard template for all events.
  • Can view and filter all bookings in the workspace in a central list and export them.
  • Can create, edit, and delete workspace attachments such as privacy policies.
  • Can create, edit, and delete workspace media.

Plattform admins

In addition to workspace admins' rights:

  • Can view, create, duplicate, edit, and delete all events and campaigns on the platform.
  • Can create, edit, and delete workspaces.
  • Can adjust basic configurations per workspace (activation of payment methods, access permissions for events, display in libraries, format of booking numbers, etc.).
  • Can create, edit, and delete campaign groups.
  • Can view the number of events, registrations, campaigns, admins, etc., across the platform via the platform dashboard.
  • Can edit cross-workspace settings, organisations, categories, and locations (standard settings inherited by all workspaces and can be overwritten there).
  • Can create, edit, and delete standard notifications for all workspaces.
  • Can create, edit, and delete cross-workspace media.
  • Can view, create, edit, and delete app tokens.
  • Can edit account types.
  • Can view the export log of the platform.

Campagnen admins

  • Can create, duplicate, edit, send, and delete campaigns in a campaign group.
  • Can create, edit, and delete settings and contacts for their campaign groups.
  • Can authorise additional admins for their campaign group.

Ticket coordinators

  • Can open all events within the workspace for which they have been granted Ticket Coordinator permissions in the admin area.
  • Can view, approve, and reject bookings for their assigned accounts.
  • Can create bookings on request for their assigned accounts within the events of the workspace they are authorised for.
  • Can assign deputies for their own accounts, allowing the deputies to create bookings on request for the assigned accounts.
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Refunds are subject to a fee of CHF 2.50 per transaction in addition to the processing fee. Whether this fee will be borne by the guest or the organizer can be determined by you. The refund will then be processed for the full or partial amount. Ideally, you should specify this in your guest terms and conditions.
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