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Last updated:
October 14, 2024

Registration form and additional prompts

The effective collection of guest data is a crucial aspect for the smooth organization and execution of events. In this article, we will look at the importance of registration forms and additional prompts and how they help to collect important information from attendees.

An illustration of two registration forms.

Form fields in the registration form and additional prompts

Form fields are crucial for collecting important information from guests. There are two main methods to gather this data: through the standardized registration form or through additional queries during the booking process.

While additional queries are not required and have no further function, it is mandatory to enter at least an e-mail address via the registration form for each contact. The data from the registration form is used for further actions (e.g. messages are sent to the e-mail address entered, the name is used in the salutation in the booking confirmation, etc.). For events with a restriction to bookings for users with accounts, the account data stored in the account can be used. In this case, no registration form is required.

The registration form

The registration form is a predefined form used to systematically collect personal data from guests. This information is relevant for booking and the guest's stay. The registration form is created per permission group, allowing different information to be collected for each group. For instance, the registration form for employees might include their department or employee reference, while for external guests, it might ask for their account manager.

Key features

  • Standardized Fields: Includes basic information such as name, email address, contact information, and any special requirements or preferences.
  • Mandatory: All guests in the permission group must fill out the registration form, regardless of the specific booking options they choose.
  • Data Usage: The collected data is used for various purposes, such as sending notifications to the recorded email address or personalizing the booking confirmation.

Creating and editing

To create or edit the registration form, edit your event and navigate to the permission groups. There, you can customize the registration form.

Additional queries

Additional queries are specific questions or fields that may appear during the booking process. They serve to collect extra information relevant only to certain booking options.

Key features

  • Optional Fields: These questions are not mandatory for every booking but appear only in connection with specific booking options.
  • Tailored Information: They enable the collection of targeted information. For example, when booking a lunch, questions about dietary preferences might be asked.
  • Flexibility: Individual responses can be provided for each booked option. If a guest books two workshops, they will receive a separate query for each workshop.

Creating and editing

To create or edit additional queries, edit your event and navigate to the booking options.

Difference between registration form and additional queries

  • Registration form:
    • Filled out once and is person-specific.
    • Contains general information relevant to all guests.
    • Mandatory fields, like the email address, must always be completed.
  • Additional queries:
    • Displayed based on the selected booking options and are option-specific.
    • Collect specific information relevant only to certain bookings.
    • Not always mandatory.

Assignment of information

  • Registration Form: Information is assigned to the contact (the person). This includes all basic and recurring details.
  • Additional Queries: Information is assigned to the specific booking. This includes optional and situational data.

Identifying form fields

To identify whether a form field is an additional query or part of the registration form, check where the option is displayed:

  • Registration Form: Displayed under general information.
  • Additional Query: Appears under specific booking options during the booking process.

By understanding and correctly applying these structures, you can ensure that all necessary information from your guests is collected efficiently and systematically.

Configuring form fields

Whether as an additional prompt or in the registration form, all form fields follow the same logic. When creating a new form field, you can first decide whether to import a template or create a new field. You can create and edit templates in your workspace.

After creating a new field or opening an existing one, you can make the following configurations:

  • Label: This text is displayed to your contacts above the field.
  • Input field: Here you can define the input type. The following options are available: single-line text, multi-line text, email address, date, checkbox, single choice, multiple choice, file upload, image upload, text line without input (e.g., for subtitles).
  • Value: Here you can specify a predefined value. Your guests can overwrite this value. Use this field only if the predefined value will be the same in almost all cases or for single or multiple choices. For single and multiple choices, the various options must be specified in the "Value" field and separated by commas. Example: Option 1, Option 2, Option 3.
  • Placeholder: The placeholder is displayed in the field but does not contain a value and disappears when a contact clicks the field.
  • Mandatory field: Defines whether the field is mandatory or not.
  • Form field identifier: To ensure the linkage of guest data works, always use a system-defined identifier where available. The following identifiers are defined by default: title, function, firstname, lastname, organization, phone_mobile, image, job_title, badge_info, email, street, zip, city.
  • Hide for contacts: The input field is not visible to guests. Only admins can see and edit this field. Suitable for customer numbers, notes, etc.

Labels and text fields (including checkboxes) are limited to 255 characters each. Up to 2,000 characters can be placed in static text.

Additional guest data

If you have additional columns in your Excel file during the import of contact data that are not captured as data fields in the registration form, you do not need to delete them beforehand - Oniva will skip them during the import. However, if you want these columns as data fields in your contact list, you need to capture them as form fields in the registration form and hide them for the contact before the import.

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Refunds are subject to a fee of CHF 2.50 per transaction in addition to the processing fee. Whether this fee will be borne by the guest or the organizer can be determined by you. The refund will then be processed for the full or partial amount. Ideally, you should specify this in your guest terms and conditions.
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